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Boat - Model S7

Boat - Model S7

Boat Sources model S7 in W, Ta and Mo. Volume: 0.16cc
Model Material Volts  Amps Watts ⁰C 
S7W-.005 Tungsten 2.490.6 1810.6 4510.6 1800
S7W-.010 Tungsten 1.920.6 2580.6 4950.6 1800
S7Ta-.005 Tantalum 2.480.6 1380.6 3420.6 1600
S7Ta-.010 Tantalum 1.80.6 1550.6 2790.6 1600
S7Mo-.005 Molybdenum 1.210.6 1080.6 1310.6 1400
S7Mo-.010 Molybdenum 0.960.6 1800.6 1730.6 1400
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