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Zirconia Substrates -Square and Rectangular

Zirconia Substrates -Square and Rectangular

Substrati in Zirconia (95%) - QUADRATI E RETTANGOLARI
Zirconia Tube (95%) Substrates- SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR
Queste alcune opzioni / these some options:
Model Length Width Thick
ZrO2-SUBS-01 115 mm 115 mm 0.12 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-03 65 mm 74 mm 1.5 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-04 10 mm 10 mm 0.25 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-05 120 mm 120 mm 2 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-06 138 mm 190 mm 0.25 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-08 100 mm 100 mm 0.25 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-10 65 mm 74 mm 10 mm
ZrO2-SUBS-19 138 mm 190 mm 7 mm
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